E-L-S Meeting in London
Freitag, 13 Juni 2008

Die E-L-S (European Law Society) hat ihr jährliches Treffen dieses Jahr in London absolviert. Auf dem Programm standen neben dem Besuch der Houses of Parliament auch Meetings mit Höchstrichtern und etablierten Patentkanzleien.


London 04-06/06/2008

As planned and announced during Annual Meetings in the past the Society had a scientific members' excursion to London / United Kingdom in 2008. The participating members and their guests arrived in London in the evening of June 3, 2008. Between June 4 and 6, 2008, a varied program gave the possibility to not only do some legal studies, but also to have an interchange of views and experiences with international colleagues and to do some networking. Apart from that, the Society hosted a Society Dinner for members at the Wiltons Restaurant.  

Visit to the Houses of Parliament.

4:30 h p.m. Meeting with Rt. Hon. Lord Justice Robin Jacob and Mr. Justice Kitchin at the Royal Courts of Justice, London
6:15 h p.m. Lectures at Marks & Clerk patent and law firm London.
8:15 h p.m. Formal Society Dinner at the Wiltons Restaurant (est. 1742)  

11:00 h a.m. Visit to the Commonwealth Secretariat, meeting with the Director of the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Division, Ms. Betty Mould-Iddrisu, and Legal Adviser Mr. Kevin Maguire
7:00 h p.m. informal After-Work Drink with London lawyers from British law firms Marks & Clerk, Rouse & Co., Nabarro and others as well as with a representative of Canon Europe at the Mandeville  


Last Updated ( Donnerstag, 19 Juni 2008 )